Cyan Color Codes

There are plenty of shades of cyan, which all contain their own unique color attributes. A few examples of named color codes that could be considered a shade of cyan are: turquoise, pale turquoise, light cyan, dark turquoise and waterspout!

Cyan Colored Shades

See also: Cyan Color Hex Chart

A List of Cyan Shades

  • Dark Turquoise
    #00ced1 | rgb(0,206,209)
  • Dark Cyan
    #008b8b | rgb(0,139,139)
  • Dark Cyan
    #008b8b | rgb(0,139,139)
  • Cyan (Process)
    #00b7eb | rgb(0,183,235)
  • Electric Cyan
    #00ffff | rgb(0,255,255)
  • Light Cyan
    #e0ffff | rgb(224,255,255)
  • Bubbles
    #e7feff | rgb(231,254,255)
  • Diamond
    #b9f2ff | rgb(185,242,255)
  • Italian Sky Blue
    #b2ffff | rgb(178,255,255)
  • Fresh Air
    #a6e7ff | rgb(166,231,255)
  • Waterspout
    #a4f4f9 | rgb(164,244,249)
  • Pale Turquoise
    #afeeee | rgb(175,238,238)
  • Columbia Blue
    #9bddff | rgb(155,221,255)
  • Powder Blue
    #b0e0e6 | rgb(176,224,230)
  • Electric Blue
    #7df9ff | rgb(125,249,255)
  • Pale Robin Egg Blue
    #96ded1 | rgb(150,222,209)
  • Medium Sky Blue
    #80daeb | rgb(128,218,235)
  • Turquoise
    #40e0d0 | rgb(64,224,208)
  • Medium Turquoise
    #48d1cc | rgb(72,209,204)
  • Turquoise
    #30d5c8 | rgb(48,213,200)
  • Turquoise Blue
    #00ffef | rgb(0,255,239)
  • Bright Turquoise
    #08e8de | rgb(8,232,222)
  • Dark Turquoise
    #00ced1 | rgb(0,206,209)
  • Robin Egg Blue
    #00cccc | rgb(0,204,204)
  • Tiffany Blue
    #0abab5 | rgb(10,186,181)
  • Viridian Green
    #009698 | rgb(0,150,152)