Silver Color Codes
There are plenty of shades of silver, which all contain their own unique color attributes. A few examples of named color codes that could be considered a shade of silver are: gainsboro, dim gray, silver, old silver and gray (x11 gray)!
See also: Silver Color Hex Chart
A List of Silver Shades
Sonic Silver
#757575 | rgb(117,117,117)
Old Silver
#848482 | rgb(132,132,130) -
Roman Silver
#838996 | rgb(131,137,150) -
Silver Chalice
#acacac | rgb(172,172,172) -
Silver Pink
#c4aead | rgb(196,174,173)
Silver Sand
#bfc1c2 | rgb(191,193,194) -
Pale Silver
#c9c0bb | rgb(201,192,187) -
White Smoke
#f5f5f5 | rgb(245,245,245) -
Anti Flash White
#f2f3f4 | rgb(242,243,244)
#e5e4e2 | rgb(229,228,226) -
#dcdcdc | rgb(220,220,220) -
Light Gray
#d3d3d3 | rgb(211,211,211) -
Gray (X11 Gray)
#bebebe | rgb(190,190,190) -
Dark Gray
#a9a9a9 | rgb(169,169,169) -
Spanish Gray
#989898 | rgb(152,152,152) -
Trolley Grey
#808080 | rgb(128,128,128) -
Dim Gray
#696969 | rgb(105,105,105)